SELFPORTRAIT 2010 Box Scheme Actual Size Gallery Chinatown Ca.
“Self Portrait” matures to “InLight Richmond”
“InLight Richmond” was a public art light project that was crowd-funded by my many friends and supporters. A few years ago I created a project "Self-portrait," using Versatubes with a closeup camera focused on my eye which was live streamed as an abstracted image. That project inspired me to propose a more interactive type of public artwork. “Inlight Richmond” requested two volunteers in the audience who would sit side by side and two respective cameras would live stream their opposite eyes on two video magnification screens comprised of Versatubes. 2014
Image of tubes in position to view how the image will appear on location.
The computer program for versatile positions is Masterrapper. Here you view two different positions of tubes. This helps determine how many tubes are required to view the images you want to project on the tubes.
I found that people were quite accepting of sitting next to unknown folk, kids not so much. Some people were timid and needed a little coaxing but were quite pleased with themselves once they jumped over that hurdle. I did not know what to expect but all I wanted was for my equipment to work and local helpers come through for me.
This video was a test performed in my studio to determine the quantity of tubes required for the project.

Home base set up with two positions for eye video samples.

Demo image for versatile alignment.

Two candidates for eye samples.

Viewing of eye sample on screen.

Two more eye sample candidates.